Sunday, July 3, 2011

Trails, tunnels, and wildlife

I left Creede and the National Born Free Rally on Thursday so that I could spend the 4th of July weekend at Mount Rushmore and surrounding territory. I got into Hill City on Friday, July 1st and parked Matilda for the weekend. After a day's rest and doing some laundry, I was raring to hit the trail this morning with Monte, my trusty companion. First stop was Sylvan Lake at Custer State Park. Monte and I hiked around the lake in picture perfect weather.

I loaded us back up in the Honda (still running that $4.00/gallon gas from Connecticut) to travel the Needles Highway - named after the high granite "needles" it winds among.  The highway passes through at least two tunnels blasted through sheer granite walls. Owing to the narrow roadway, sharp turns, and low tunnels, this road is for tourists in small vehicles...RV's need not apply. In fact, I got caught in a traffic jam of sightseers toting cameras and blocking the tunnel.

Stopped for lunch at the General Store for a buffalo burger cookout. I had the privilege of paying for my lunch, but Monte got his free! Last stop of the day - the Wildlife Loop...

Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam,
Where the deer and the antelope play;
Where seldom is heard a discouraging work,
And the skies are not cloudy all day.

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