Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A trip without Matilda or Monte

I left both Matilda, the Born Free motorcoach, and Monte, the Corgi, behind after the 4th of July holiday to travel the old fashioned way - I flew to San Francisco to meet up with Nancy and Susan. Little did I know that I would end up going to a jazz concert at Stamford featuring the incredible Regina Carter, seeing Joan Baez live in concert at Stern Grove Park with about 10,000 of my newest and closest friends, and finally, walking across the Golden Gate Bridge to Sausilito with Nancy...not to mention some fantastic food and wonderful weather all organized by Susan and Nancy. Loved doing the tour - following in Jayne and Karl's footsteps most of the time. But most importantly my wonderful aura (if I do say so myself) carried Nancy and me successfully thru three job interviews. Nancy is now employed at the University of California at Berkely. It doesn't get much, food, friends, and funds!

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